Our little hedonist, you make us proud Richie.
i'm joining everyone from the bowels of the sun princess, a ship belonging to the princess cruise lines.
about an hour and a half ago, we left the port of seattle for alaska.
my grandmother sent me and my grandfather on this trip for a graduation present.
Our little hedonist, you make us proud Richie.
it's on auction at ebay:.
but it looks like it's only available to jws.
The idea is that it is only available to JW's at the convention and not the public at large as yet. Of course when they get back from convention they'll have extras that they will share with others. Its not meant that only JW's can buy it on EBAY.
Why would anyone pay for that little bundle of crap anyway?
train crash victims spreading word about jehovah's witness faith
fifty-six-year-old annie johnson of somerville, 54-year-old rosa jones ... waff
2 hours ago
These kind of statements are always a little out there: "Just think of the lives that would have been saved if Phyllis would have went off to school. She likely wouldn't have been anywhere near those tracks."
We could just as well say that if Phyllis had stayed home to read the latest edition of the Crotchtower so she was better prepared to sell it, she wouldn't have been anywhere near those tracks. Pretty silly really. Wrong place right time. Sad for sure.
train crash victims spreading word about jehovah's witness faith
fifty-six-year-old annie johnson of somerville, 54-year-old rosa jones ... waff
2 hours ago
You're right, that makes you a jerk.
not feeling like there life's been affected that negatively by their involvement with jw's?.
i ask because while i do believe being raised a jehovahs witness has probably done me some considerable emotional damage, i still can't imagaine it hurt me anymore (and in a lot of cases i'm sure it did far less damage) than the average non jw upbringing.
i had no debilitating diseases, no broken family, kind and loving parents etc...you get my point though?.
I remember once when a CO was answering the question of a publisher as to what was countable time in field service, he said; "My usual answer is, you count your time and I'll count mine". I thought that was sage advice. I'm using that reference because we all had it in common. As regards this forum, "I'll relate my experience, you relate yours." We all have different situations. I do believe that those who have been abused would naturally have the tendency to cry out in pain. Some like to howl with them like wolves in a pack. Ultimately I'm not able to determine who's a victim and who's a pack howler. It doesn't matter.
You're experience is very common I think. I just dont trust religion any longer. Jehovah, if that's who He/it is, is on top of it. Like many householders I spoke to I believe he is in charge no matter what I do. My response is not based on apathy, but on practicality.
I do not believe there is some darker thing going on with you. You are just fine.
this has got to be one of the silliest things i've had happen in a bit:
i wrote steve searle ([email protected]) who has literature for sale on e-bay (marley coles books on cd) and on his website at
I think what I was saying is that this book has nothing terribly interesting to add to the pile of poop that all these worshipful tomes have said. They proclaim the uniqueness of the Society and laud its unity. You won't find much instructive about it is all I'm saying. This one was as close to sanctioned by the F'n DS as anything written by borg worshipers. I understand your interest and wish you success.
In those days they let someone else write so they were off the hook.
this has got to be one of the silliest things i've had happen in a bit:
i wrote steve searle ([email protected]) who has literature for sale on e-bay (marley coles books on cd) and on his website at
Marley Cole's book is not a Watchtower Society publication. It contains no teachings. Its a lovefest breakdown of the Organization written by a witness years ago, perhaps late fifties or early sixties. I dont know why anyone would want to waste thier time with it anyway. You guys are better off without it. Real trash.
a man that performed miracles including raising the dead has left no secular evidence.
but as i write this the question has come to mind of what ancient evidence constitutes verifiable, believable evidence that we can take to the bank?
we have the nt and the apocrypha, ancient texts that tell a story of the early christians.
Well, let's see... If you thought you were gonna be slaughtered unless you believed in this Jewish guy, you'd go along with a calendar change too. Zealots can be pretty persuasive after the fact...
if you have seen it, praise it or pan it.. i am interested in wht the non-professionals have to say.. i am planning on seing it saturday night.
Didn't read the book but saw the film. Not impressed. It was a bit of a cakewalk for Hanks. The result was so predictable I was disappointed by the transparency of it all. There were a few nice twists, but on the whole it was not exceptional.
though i no longer think like a witness i still think "that is what i would think if i was still a witness".. everytime i see a birthday party or christmas on tv i think "ohh, if i was a jw i would think they were pagan, and not really having fun.".
when i speak to someone at work and they say they got drunk or wasted on the weekend i think "oooh, if i was a jw i would be offended by that, but i don't really care anymore.".
i would much prefer to be able to take life for what it is, not constantly compare what it was with what it is and what i am thinking it will be.. any suggestions on how to erase the ridiculous notions that were drummed into me from birth?
That's just stinkin thinkin.
Live life and enjoy.... I used to give my mom a rash of crap about those chocolate bunnies at easter time. She would buy them for my brother in law who had a habit of eating them that was worse than a heroin addiction. Now that she is dead I'd give anything to see her buy one now.
Let the Witnoid thinking leak from your mind.....
In time you will be free of the bad ju ju....